So this is the thing, life is definitely something. I mean technically it’s actually just that, all that we got. With that said , within my shoes I reflect and look back and I noticed a pattern as of not to long ago. What that pattern was was that every time I get with someone really deep in my life like that of a family member and see them in person, the question is proposed to me like any other, “How are you/How are you doing”? And if it’s anyone day to day its almost automatic to say “Im Good” or “I’m Well”…just to pass by, continue a conversation, or to move on with my activities. However when in a persons present that I truly care for and have depth with like my Uncle or my Grandfather / someone whom I can truly confide in…I answer that question with thorough honesty. As I reflect on all these past years in answering such question, It has always been I’m good!, great!, or doing very very well, [things of that nature if not just that]. Thats a true blessing! Honestly it has been true 100% all these years, the answer to that question. However just like everyone else, I am human and experience all emotions. With up comes down. I can honestly say my lows are rare far and in between. When I do experience a low its extremely short and I allow myself to feel and bounce back to the up. It’s oh so normal to have episodes of lowliness, unclarity, being unsure, or even self doubt in life especially when pursuing your goals and the journey of the process it self. My advice to you as you read this is to know that your doing just fine. Take a eep breathe and trust your process. Stay focused on your goal and have laser vision. Never compare yourself to anyone except who you were last week. Take babe steps toward your vision(s) & goal(s) everyday, even if it is as small as taking 5 minutes to recite your affirmations of your vision. Just do it. Rest assure that as your do that, the fogginess and unclarity will shortly fade away.
With Love.