André Jermaine is an American personality, Image Consultant, & Independent Model/Photographer. His latest projects include diving into the AirBnB & Crypto markets. In 2015 he founded his successful photography business SHOTS Atlanta, a natural-light photography service catered to each individual client. He enjoys working on his fitness, fishing, and relaxing on the many beaches of the world.


"You Know Your Potential. Trust Your Instincts & JUST DO IT. Start Somewhere & Work On It Everyday. You Will Eventually Catch Up To You ”.



André Jermaine es una personalidad estadounidense, consultor de imagen y modelo/fotógrafo independiente. Sus últimos proyectos incluyen sumergirse en los mercados AirBnB y Crypto. En 2015 fundó su exitosa empresa de fotografía SHOTS Atlanta, un servicio de fotografía con luz natural que atiende a cada cliente individual. Le gusta trabajar en su forma física, pescar y relajarse en las muchas playas del mundo.